Spine Injuries in Athletes

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Editor: Andrew C. Hecht, MD

Navigate the unique clinical issues involved in treating athletes who have spinal injuries.
A team of peerless authorities in sports medicine share their unparalleled expertise in Spine Injuries in Athletes, published in partnership with the AAOS. This unique and practical clinical reference culls today’s best approaches for managing these injuries, optimizing function, and ensuring quick but safe return to play whenever possible.
Ensure proper on-field management and evaluation, transport, and pharmacologic management with the aid of evidence-based “how-to” advice from leading experts.
Implement effective surgical and non-surgical treatment and rehabilitation plans, tailored to the sport-specific needs of each patient.
Navigate the practical reality of managing both elite athletes and weekend warriors through step-by-step guidance on return-to-play criteria and decision making.
Manage the most common injury patterns affecting the cervical and lumbar spine, including stingers/burners, cervical cord neurapraxias, cervical disk herniation, cervical stenosis, congenital cervical anomalies, cervical trauma, lumbar disk herniation, spondylolysis/ spondylolisthesis, lumbar degenerative disk disease, pelvic and hip disorders that mimic spine problems, and thoracic disk herniation, as well as issues that confront the aging athlete.
Apply cohesive strategies for managing concussions on field and determining return to play in the days and weeks that follow, with advice from key leaders in the field.
Check your clinical decision-making skills with real-world scenarios involving a variety of athletic cervical and lumbar spine injuries, and compare your responses to those of a panel of respected specialists.

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