2024 Shoulder and Elbow Self-Assessment Examination Online

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CME: 10.00
SAE: Yes
AAOS New Product
AAOS Special Deal

Editor-In-Chief:  Walter B. McClelland Jr, MD, FAAOS

ONLINE, Scored and Recorded
10 SAE CME; 100 multiple-choice questions
CME for this program expires on 1/15/2027

Enhance your knowledge of the entire spectrum of clinically relevant disorders of the shoulder and elbow. Review indications for both operative and non-operative management of commonly encountered problems, identify complications and pitfalls to treatment, and facilitate appropriate decision making based on different patient and clinical variables. Pathologies included in this examination range from simple to complex, primary to revision, and are relevant for all surgeons managing shoulder and elbow conditions.

Learning Objectives
Completing this examination will help you:

  • identify appropriate indications for shoulder hemiarthroplasty, anatomic shoulder arthroplasty, and reverse shoulder arthroplasty.
  • recognize and avoid complications associated with shoulder and elbow reconstructive procedures.
  • understand modes of failure and techniques for complication prevention in shoulder arthroplasty.
  • appropriately counsel patients pre-operatively regarding risks, benefits, and likely outcomes from various surgical procedures for shoulder and elbow pathology.
  • identify how best to manage acute shoulder and elbow injuries.
  • accurately interpret shoulder and elbow imaging studies, including radiograph, MRI, CT, and ultrasound.

Self-Assessment in MOC
Credits earned by completing this Scored and Recorded Special Interest Self-Assessment Examinations can be applied to the scored and recorded self-assessment requirements as mandated by the ABOS Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process and will count toward the CME credit requirement, as well.