Orthobiologics - Scientific and Clinical Solutions for Orthopaedic Surgeons: Print + Ebook

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Scott P. Bruder, MD, PhD, FORS; Roy K. Aaron, MD, FAAOS, FORS - Editors

Orthobiologics: Scientific and Clinical Solutions for Orthopaedic Surgeons provides authoritative, comprehensive coverage of this fast-growing field. This one-stop reference is an ideal resource, covering technology and basic science through specific clinical applications.

Covers the basic science clinicians need to know to understand the mechanisms of action of orthobiologic therapies for tissue repair and regeneration, as well as technology development, regulation, and the commercialization pathway

Provides thorough discussions of current standards of care and clinical applications across all subspecialty areas, including upper and lower extremity pathology, as well as spinal pathology

Uses a reader-friendly approach with more than 100 illustrations and dozens of helpful tables throughout

Discusses options and solutions for intervertebral disc repair, spinal fusion, rotator cuff repair, peripheral nerve regeneration in the hand, challenging bone repairs and nonunion, skeletal muscle repair, meniscal repair and replacement, articular cartilage repair, knee and ankle osteoarthritis, ligament regeneration, and more.

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