Surgical Insights: Rotator Cuff Pathology

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Online Learning
CME: 50.00
SAE: Yes
AAOS New Product
AAOS Special Deal
Published to Web: 11/16/2020

CME expires November 30, 2026

Stay up to date with current concepts and the latest surgical techniques for the management of rotator cuff tears.

Rotator cuff injury is a common cause of shoulder pain, and rotator cuff repair is among the most common shoulder operations. Surgical Insights: Rotator Cuff Pathology is your go-to resource for authoritative, evidence-based treatment strategies in your daily practice. Prominent experts in the field provide all the technical guidance you need on everything from basic rotator cuff anatomy and biomechanics, treatment of partial and full-thickness tears, complications, outcomes, and revision surgery. Developed for any and all orthopedic surgeons who perform rotator cuff surgeries, this course is a concise and practical guide to best practices for treatment of these challenging injuries.

Course Directors
John E. (Jed) Kuhn, MD, MS
Scott Steinmann, MD

Module Editors
Joseph Abboud, MD
George Athwal, MD
Carolyn Hettrich, MD, MPH
Jay Keener, MD
Matthew Provencher, MD

See all Faculty Contributors

Table of Contents
Module 1: Anatomy, Biomechanics, Pathophysiology, and Assessment of Rotator Cuff Disease
Module 2: Treatment of Rotator Cuff Disease
Module 3: Treatment of Acute and Acute-on-Chronic Rotator Cuff Tears
Module 4: Management of Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
Module 5: Assessment and Treatment of Associated or Other Pathologies

Review the full Table of Contents

Key Features

  • Navigate at your own pace and depth with interactive self-guided, learning opportunities in each lesson.
  • Access full-text journal articles, book chapters, and links to current literature.
  • Watch high-quality, peer-reviewed surgical videos to boost your understanding of key techniques and outcomes.
  • Master in-depth experience-based orthopaedic techniques with Instructional Course Lectures from world-renowned surgeons.
  • Enhance your critical thinking skills with interactive clinical case scenarios and examples.
  • Check your understanding with a knowledge-check quiz at the end of each module.

  • Learning Objectives

  • Identify indications for rotator cuff repair, including nonsurgical treatment options and the role of physical therapy.
  • Recognize the differences between chronic rotator cuff disease and acute traumatic rotator cuff tears.
  • Review recently developed techniques for the management of irreparable rotator cuff tears.
  • Identify indications for and technical pearls of grafting and tendon transfers in the management of rotator cuff tears.
  • Discuss the role of other associated pathologies of shoulder pain, such as suprascapular neuropathy and acromioclavicular joint pathology.
  • Explain treatment options and techniques for the management of biceps tendon pathology and calcific tendinitis.
  • Earn up to 50 AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits.