Surgical Insights: Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle

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Online Learning
CME: 50.00
SAE: Yes
AAOS New Product
AAOS Special Deal
Published to Web: 11/19/2019

CME expires June 30, 2025

Stay up to date with current concepts and the latest surgical techniques for the management of common ligament injuries of the foot and ankle.

Covering syndesmotic and lateral collateral ligament injuries to the ankle, deltoid and spring ligament injuries, and ligament injuries in the forefoot, Surgical Insights: Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle is your go-to reference for the management of the most common sports-related foot and ankle ligament injuries. Leading experts provide authoritative guidance on examination, diagnosis, arthroscopic and open surgical treatment, nonsurgical management, postoperative rehabilitation, and return to play. Developed for both specialists and non-specialists alike, this course offers tried-and-true techniques for practicing surgeons and for those seeking more in-depth knowledge on these concepts.

Course Director
Steven L. Haddad, MD

Module Editors
Christopher P. Chiodo, MD
W. Hodges Davis, MD
Cesar de Cesar Netto, MD, PhD
Brian M. Weatherford, MD

See all Faculty Contributors

Table of Contents
Module 1: Syndesmotic Ligament Injuries to the Ankle
Module 2: Lateral Collateral Ligament Injuries to the Ankle
Module 3: Deltoid and Spring Ligament Injury
Module 4: Ligament Injuries in the Forefoot

Review the full Table of Contents

Key Features

  • Navigate at your own pace and depth with interactive self-guided, learning opportunities in each lesson.
  • Access full-text journal articles, book chapters, and links to current literature.
  • Watch high-quality, peer-reviewed surgical videos to boost your understanding of key techniques and outcomes.
  • Master in-depth experience-based orthopaedic techniques with Instructional Course Lectures from world-renowned surgeons.
  • Enhance your critical thinking skills with interactive clinical case scenarios and examples.
  • Check your understanding with a knowledge-check quiz at the end of each module.

  • Learning Objectives

  • Review the pathophysiology and biomechanics of foot and ankle ligament injuries.
  • Identify indications for the nonsurgical management of injuries to the syndesmosis, deltoid and spring ligament, lateral collateral ligaments about the ankle, and forefoot ligaments.
  • Identify indications for the surgical management of injuries to the syndesmosis, deltoid and spring ligament, lateral collateral ligaments about the ankle, and forefoot ligaments.
  • Explain surgical techniques to achieve and maintain appropriate reduction in patients with an injury to the syndesmosis, deltoid and spring ligament, lateral collateral ligaments about the ankle, or forefoot ligaments.
  • Discuss the prevention and management of complications after reconstruction of the syndesmosis, deltoid and spring ligament, lateral collateral ligaments about the ankle, and forefoot ligaments.
  • Earn up to 50 AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits.