Surgical Insights: Total Hip Arthroplasty

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Online Learning
CME: 50.00
SAE: Yes
AAOS New Product
AAOS Special Deal
Published to Web: 8/29/2019

CME expires September 30, 2027

Stay up to date with current concepts for the treatment of hip pain and dysfunction, focusing exclusively on total hip arthroplasty techniques.

Covering indications and contraindications, primary and revision surgery, fixation options, complex cases, and perioperative protocols, Surgical Insights: Total Hip Arthroplasty is your go-to reference for this technically demanding and widely performed procedure. Experienced leaders in adult reconstruction techniques provide comprehensive guidance on relevant anatomy and biomechanics, surgical approaches, primary and revision surgery, nonarthroplasty solutions, prosthetic design, complications, salvage options, postoperative rehabilitation, and more. Full updated, searchable, and highly illustrated this course is an indispensable tool for orthopaedic surgeons involved with all matters related to total hip arthroplasty.

Course Director
Ran Schwarzkopf, MD, MSc

Module Editors
Matthew Austin, MD
Carlos Higuera-Rueda, MD
Joshua C. Rozell, MD
Thorsten M. Seyler, MD, PhD
Scott Sporer, MD
Jonathan M. Vigdorchik, MD

See all Faculty Contributors

Table of Contents
Module 1: Indications and Contraindications for Total Hip Arthroplasty
Module 2: Component and Fixation Options in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Module 3: Surgical Techniques in Primary and Partial Hip Arthroplasty
Module 4: Complex Cases and Rehabilitation after Total Hip Arthroplasty
Module 5: Complications of Total Hip Arthroplasty
Module 6: Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty

Review the full Table of Contents

Key Features

  • Navigate at your own pace and depth with interactive self-guided, learning opportunities in each lesson.
  • Access full-text journal articles, book chapters, and links to current literature.
  • Watch high-quality, peer-reviewed surgical videos to boost your understanding of key techniques and outcomes.
  • Master in-depth experience-based orthopaedic techniques with Instructional Course Lectures from world-renowned surgeons.
  • Enhance your critical thinking skills with interactive clinical case scenarios and examples.
  • Check your understanding with a knowledge-check quiz at the end of each module.

  • Learning Objectives

  • Identify indications and contraindications for total hip arthroplasty.
  • Recognize the biomechanical and clinical implications of implant design features, including tribology, for total hip arthroplasty.
  • Discuss indications and technical pearls for conversion total hip arthroplasty.
  • Explain the etiology of acetabular bone loss, and review treatment options for the management of acetabular bone loss in patients undergoing revision total hip arthroplasty.
  • Discuss indications and technical pearls for femoral reconstruction in patients undergoing revision total hip arthroplasty.
  • Explain treatment options and technical pearls for the management of periprosthetic fractures during total hip arthroplasty.
  • Apply contemporary strategies for patient rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty.
  • Review the management and prevention of complications after total hip arthroplasty.
  • Earn up to 50 AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits.


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